I love hitting the local Estate Sales and Yard Sales! I have determined that the psychology behind my favorite pastime is our innate love, or even need, of finding what we consider "Treasure". Admit it: we all have that need to think that we have found something desirable and unique--our style, our house, our mate...we all love treasure!
Sometimes I keep my great finds, some-times I give them as gifts, and sometimes I resell them on Ebay (you can find me under "Terri's Vintage Treasures").
Because I buy purely on instinct and personal aesthetics, sometimes I pick up things that have value, and sometimes, not so much...LOL...but that is the fun of the entire endeavor (at least to me!).
This particular piece of art glass caught my eye at an Estate Sale, earlier this spring. It was only $6, and I grabbed it just because it had a lovely shine to it and I saw a name and date etched into the glass on the bottom of it.
Imagine my surprise when I looked it up on Ebay! It made a lovely gift for someone I love!